Basic company information

“INNOVATION SYSTEMS – BURGAS” Ltd was established on the basis of a Decision of the Municipal Council of Burgas dated 26.01.2016. The company was registered in the Commercial Register of the Registry Agency of Bulgaria on 01.03.2016. It is 100% municipality-owned company.
The main company activity according to register covers: “Information systems building-up, maintaining and managing; contacts and information exchange with private, municipal and state organizations; maintaining databases necessary for the operation of state, municipal and private individuals and legal entities; providing of data and information to the organizations interested; development and putting into operation of specific information systems regarding the needs of Burgas Municipality; performing control functions in regard to the quality of data; trainings and qualification courses - organization and conduct; consulting and information services, business support services, as well as any other activity not prohibited by law.”
Head office address: Burgas, 26 “Alexandrovska” Str., fl. 3, office 314
Tel: 056 907 272; Fax: 056 843 207; GSM: 0888 225 390
E-mail: ivanovadaniela@hotmail.com; isburgas@abv.bg
Register №: 203936217
VAT Reg. № BG203936217
Company manager: Engr. Daniela Veselinova Ivanova-Aleksieva



Innovation Systems - Burgas Ltd. implements the Gender Equality Plan.

Gender Equality Plan

Short-term objectives

The company’s main task is to build capacity and develop an experts’ team that successfully develops and implements projects and initiatives aimed at supporting smart growth, for innovative and sustainable urban development and management; local economy support by active contribution to the stimulating the processes innovative smart solutions introduction; promotion of new digital technologies and systems that can benefit the city of Burgas and its citizens, raising the awareness regarding the modern urban development.
The company is working in the longer term to acquire a license for specialized vocational training, given the potential interest within the region (expressed by employers and professional organizations), for the provision of a qualified workforce in the IT sector. The ambition is to ensure an efficient link between the education system and the business needs in the medium term, expanding the accomplishment of specially orientated events and training activities both for professionals and young entrepreneurial initiatives. The company communicates and works for the organization of various initiatives together with “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University - Burgas, Burgas Free University, the new IT High school, ICT Cluster - Burgas and IT companies interested in expanding their activity in our city.
The main company task is to continue to develop by strengthening its capacity for offering specific information services, technical and consulting assistance, technical support of specific digital and information systems, etc. The target group for provision of services includes Municipality of Burgas, other municipalities, municipal enterprises, state institutions, trading companies and citizens.

Business model

With the establishment of the company, Burgas Municipality, as the principal, has imposed the idea of seeking alternative ways for stimulating growth in the field of innovations for Burgas. The “smart city” philosophy – the city in which an integration of the existing and the emerging physical, digital and human systems into the surrounding environment are present, for the achievement of a sustainable, prosperous and uniting future for the people, lies at the root of the vision for development of the city and hence of “Innovative Systems – Burgas” Ltd company.
Through the company the talents of new-minded local people with interest in innovations and digital technologies are mobilized for projects initiation and activities organization in favor of the development of Burtgas as a smart city.
The planned business development model is based on the ambition for offering of unique, specific services, which could be provided by the specially qualified into the “smart city” area team of “Innovative Systems – Burgas” Ltd.

Services and Products

The company is working in the long run to create and offer software products and applications which would serve the local administration and citizens, as well as services related to the integrated use of the databases generated in connection with the development of individual systems and applications for particular inhabited areas:

  • management of information system for optical infrastructure;
  • analysis of information systems for investment decisions;
  • 3D-visualizations of urban environment objects for the purposes of advertising and promotion of touristic and historical sites;
  • infrastructure visualization for the localization of the strengths and weaknesses of the resource-providing systems, systems providing utilities, waste collection and recovery systems, etc;
  • mobile-mapping – data collection, processing and exchange of collected data files;
  • city data shared use platform;
  • creation of urban surveillance data processing systems;
  • city security ensuring platform;
  • city e-mobility platform;

and others.
Another development aspect is searched for in the formation of a qualified team for integrated urban management systems support, consisting of specialists working on data collection and processing systems and devices who would offer maintenance and/or upgrading of already built urban systems, for example as:

  • Kiosk system providing information to city citizens and guests;
  • Hot-spot Wireless Internet system;
  • City lighting smart management system;
  • Environmental data management system;
  • Monitoring and control of waste collection system;
  • Air and noise monitoring and control system;
  • GIS

and others.
The company team gets involved in research and project initiatives, which support and facilitate processes related to the socual inclusion and the enhancing of specialists and learners’ educational activity. It initiates and organizes joint meetings to discuss practical issues and projects related to the intelligent development of the cities, aiming at horizontal integrationof the resources at municipal level instead of vertical development, whereby the benefits are minimized. Working with young people is a priority.


Burgas Municipality is the largest municipality in southeastern Bulgaria, with positive growth and growing population. Burgas is an important commercial, tourist and transport center with strategic geographic location. The municipality ranks second among Bulgarian municipalities by economic potential and GDP per capita of the population higher than the average for the country. All of these factors have major impact on the local social and economic life. The city has its own specific needs, which are characteristic and more particular during the summer season, when a considerable tourist flow is concentrated in the city.
The city’s vision is for the development to become more and more orientated towards clean and smart technology sectors, seeking sustainability over time. In this context, the needs of an integrated and easily accessible city data are growing at very fast rates. The investment interest, the movement of goods and services, the production management, various social aspects of life such as education and health and recreation all depend on the data access.
On the other hand, in order qualitative information services to be offered, there is a strong need to establish and maintain sustainable data collection and data processing systems. The efforts of “Innovation Systems – Burgas” Ltd company will continue to be directed in this direction. The information services market is fast growing and quite saturated with established firms, but the supply of specific urban management solutions is the market niche the company is aiming to. The company advantage is that it can work in close cooperation also for the implementation of Burgas Municipality’s pilot projects, gaining of specific experience for the achievement of long-term goals of socially significant character which could be replicated also by other municipalities by offering specific services for them.
Common grounds between the company needs and interests and the target customer segment are sought so that more affordable and highly efficient post-application specific urban applications to be offered, yet initially the company concentrates on developing and participating primarily in projects related closely to the city of Burgas and the needs of the City of Burgas.
The main challenges are:

  • hiring qualified specialists with innovative potential;
  • financial resource access for the realization of the planned initiatives.

Cooperation with the city educational institutions, with start-up businesses, as well as the support of established companies with reputation in the information technologies area are sought for the solution of these tasks.
The company strives to establish its good image and financial results by offering good and effective solutions to the benefit of the client and the stakeholders.